Beyond duty research, any one can be a "Mr Smith" in the neural matrix, it's not them or you, it's behavioral science in the telecoms industry.

Dear freedom fighter, you are not MAD, your not unloved, your just (shedding) the wrong identifier code, which others subconsciously react to, even family members!

"Turning the other cheek" has another indepth meaning!

Keep up the brilliant work,

How do we make this info entertaining and digestible to the ones afflicted next.....and render this code implanted inoperable, a challenge for the true "hackers who care" around the world.


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dashcam when the malformed mesogen broadcasts the training algo:

"If tik toker, then

turn around



"If tik toker, then if at red light and turning

go straight forever



Got a Tik Toker vehicle to do a 180 degree turn going 60 mph with this code, others exiting the interstate to continue through lights (when green most of the time) and re-enter interstate.

When around deer for a while, then go around people and the "signal" broadcasted has resulted in normal people acting like deer. I don't eat meat so the deer's sense of smell from olfactory gland isn't scaring it immediately.

Video series: Neurohacking ChinaCCP Tik Tokers - Don't Use Tik Tok, you will get neurohacked.

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So if I run those two CLI commands on my Linux Mint device and nothing is listed but the headers, I'm good, right?

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It either means one of four things:

1) You're not enhanced with synthetic biology yet

2) You're cybernetically secured by IC and work for IC so you don't transmit your ID

3) I haven't tried the commands in Linux Mint with your network adapter, so perhaps it is not working or filtering out the broadcasts

4) You're not contaminated and secured by your nation state's IC system and not hacked by ChinaCCP

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