Hello, Mr. Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.;

Thank you for the post. I got it about 'Tik Tok app'. I think 'Tik Tok videos' are OK to watch. Am I correct? Thanks.

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No, Do not use Tik Tok if you care about your sovereign mind, privacy of your mind, sanctity of your mind, or anything else related to your person/self being independent and free from manipulation by a known adversarial nation state that steals, commits mass genocides Uyghur muslims (yes, Iran, why are you part of ChinaCCP coalition when China is killing muslims? Makes zero sense, hopefull your nation state is not already "NeuroStriked" by ChinaCCP as well.

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I wonder if Brandon's advice wouldn't also hold true for viewing ANY TikTok video, regardless of the source-app or online. Intuitively, I sense that there is a weird flicker-rate or something fishy about how the screen "vibrates" in TT videos. Maybe having something to do with optogenetic encoding? Just my intuition!

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I think this is the counterstrike by "big tech" firms to overlay and remove the optogenetic programming (stenography type) by encapsulating the feed through their software to do data-in-the-flow manipulations. Further, I think this was the original intent of AI BCPS systems, to do a data-in-the-flow in the person's niBMI as well. That said, I have not first hand validated the hypothesis above.

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