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This is a fascinating example of how we could be protecting ourselves with frequency emitting devices to counteract non-beneficial frequencies. Stronger, healthier and more coherent frequencies/brainwaves will always trump the negative, yes?

Do you actually know that this is done in a hostage situation? I'd love to be able to better visualize the psionic generator with wires that the calmer, more overpowering brain is wearing that causes the more chaotic brain to sync up, thereby effecting a desired outcome. Do you have a photo?

By the above hostage negotiator example, would that be what in part comprises the on-body psychotronic and ELF generator countermeasures? Using these devices, one is bathing in the more healthy signal/broadcasts for your brain to "lock on to" vs your locking on to the non-beneficial. Am I getting the gist?

I know a big part of disconnecting/de-cohere/disentangle from the nefarious tech is to:

Eat/drink life-affirming foods & beverages that cause your body's cells to have a strong force field around them.

Take chelating and healing supplements.

Carry on your person a beneficial scalar-emitting device to always counteract incoming nefarious signals

Carry on your person an ELF generator-something that emits, for example, the supremely healthy frequency of the Earth (7.8) & possibly that generates random white noise to prevent our brains from locking on/logging in to unhealthy incoming frequencies.

When you refer to time-reversal and sending your own healthy frequencies back to yourself, are you referring to a Priore-like device that Beardon has talked about? Or are you doing bioresonance scanning of healthy frequencies somehow?

Something on you or around you that is ALWAYS working to disrupt/de-cohering/disentangling your net body signature/frequency from the Quantum Bomb weaponry. Note: your solutions are yet to be approachable to the average Joe or Jane!

Spoofing your biosignature and brainwaves. Is that something that you can make accessible to us mere mortals? :)

Thanks as always, for sharing your research and hard work.

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