“You people” haha, I’m dying. If I wasn’t a TI I’d have fallen into these traps too, but now that the “red pill” has been forced upon me it’s incredibly frustrating to realize how no one else understands what’s really happening and it seems they don’t care to. Where do we begin to explain without risking someone questioning our mental faculties?

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I'm sorry to hear that you're having to manage electronic harasment. However, your question at the end regarding "Where to begin ..." well let's just say that those that aren't up to date with technology are already decades behind current state-of-the-art and therefore can't be depended upon to provide any accurate or meaningful feedback, first because they themselves could already have been synthetic biology brain manipulated and second because they are uninformed. The first step would be to educate them and that is why I'm building out www.electrostasis.com based upon these publications on synthetic biology, neurotechnology, nanotechnology and the latest synthetic biology genome level based circuits that are in the DNA and express through proteins and various other genomic sequences - here is a good refrence - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_biological_circuit

The technology is so advanced that we are literally in genomic warfare and by that simple definition, 90%+ of people on earth are not able to have a competent conversation. Genomics is the programming of human life with biological drives and synthetic biology drives. When one overlays genomics with neurotechnology, natural language processing NLP, machine language (cybernetics) and self-replicating nanotechnology for Artificial Intelligence linked Bio Cyber Physical System AI BCPS 99%+ of people on earth are not able to cognitively grasp the latest generation of human population control due to two dominant factors: #1 their level of education and reliance on folklore and religion (e.g. why people getting suckered into the synthetic biology ChinaCCP "angels vs. demon" PSYOP in the people's genomes and central nervous system as well as #2 people who have used Tik Tok are now cybernetically linked to ChinaCCP AI BCPS to tote the technocommunism party lines without their knowledge or consent, a direct violation of #neurorights per UNESCO. Therefore, the work being done on this site for humanity in addition to others doing comparable if not better work (I hope) will coutnerstrike the adversarial use of neurotechnology when combined with genomic warfare that is stealing humanity's "humaness".

If you have any friends, family or contacts that would like to learn more, please send them this link electrostasis.substack.com and have them subscribe (non-paying at first and then if they choose to upgrade to paying).

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May 8
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This is all cybernetic genomic warfare using people's bodies as tools. Please see prior post that has the specific details:

"I'm sorry to hear that you're having to manage electronic harasment. However, your question at the end regarding "Where to begin ..." well let's just say that those that aren't up to date with technology are already decades behind current state-of-the-art and therefore can't be depended upon to provide any accurate or meaningful feedback, first because they themselves could already have been synthetic biology brain manipulated and second because they are uninformed. The first step would be to educate them and that is why I'm building out www.electrostasis.com based upon these publications on synthetic biology, neurotechnology, nanotechnology and the latest synthetic biology genome level based circuits that are in the DNA and express through proteins and various other genomic sequences - here is a good refrence - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_biological_circuit

The technology is so advanced that we are literally in genomic warfare and by that simple definition, 90%+ of people on earth are not able to have a competent conversation. Genomics is the programming of human life with biological drives and synthetic biology drives. When one overlays genomics with neurotechnology, natural language processing NLP, machine language (cybernetics) and self-replicating nanotechnology for Artificial Intelligence linked Bio Cyber Physical System AI BCPS 99%+ of people on earth are not able to cognitively grasp the latest generation of human population control due to two dominant factors: #1 their level of education and reliance on folklore and religion (e.g. why people getting suckered into the synthetic biology ChinaCCP "angels vs. demon" PSYOP in the people's genomes and central nervous system as well as #2 people who have used Tik Tok are now cybernetically linked to ChinaCCP AI BCPS to tote the technocommunism party lines without their knowledge or consent, a direct violation of #neurorights per UNESCO. Therefore, the work being done on this site for humanity in addition to others doing comparable if not better work (I hope) will coutnerstrike the adversarial use of neurotechnology when combined with genomic warfare that is stealing humanity's "humaness".

If you have any friends, family or contacts that would like to learn more, please send them this link electrostasis.substack.com and have them subscribe (non-paying at first and then if they choose to upgrade to paying)."

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