
I just directly messaged through X and emails the following people that were on the Committee today. Therefore, they have in their posession irrefutable proof that these Silent Covert Weapons exist. There is no more debate. The evidence that I have provided is not classified, but in the clear. I just did IC's job for them. NSA you still owe me an outstanding invoice from 2022, the interest rate clock on the invoice is tik toking away. The reverse engineering work was conducted inside of a scalar and ELF bubble to avoid psionic degradation from our foreign adversaries and cognitively captured Americans due to this latest class of neuroweapon.

House Members:

Mr. Correa

Mr. Pfleuger

Mr. Swalwell

Mr. Crane

Mr. Goldman

Testimonial Panel Members:

Christo Grozev with Bellingcat

LTC EdGreen with Advanced Echelon

Mark Zaid with his law firm

#CIA #DIA #NSA #NSC #DOD #FBI Just did your job for you.

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Thank you! We are suffering from this torture!

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May 8Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.

This technology with the U.S. is being used on civilians outside of those connected to intelligence agencies. Non-consensual torture. Huge presence online of civilians reporting same medical symptoms as those targeted with an intelligence agency. Those in power to stop this madness by approving laws against it on civilians are the same ones turning their head due to threat and retaliation of the same weaponry being used against them.

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May 8·edited May 8Author

Very slow coordination is occurring between agencies per retired DIA US Army intelligence officer. Today there was debate if these weapons exist, the silent covert ones that leave no trace. I just notified the House members and the panel members testifying that our team, specifically me in CTO role at Reactwell, a DOD prime and DOE prime have built one that can be tuned with a library to target the key genome sequences, such as p53 in chromosome 17 to slow-kill covertly people as well as frequency adjusted as well as amplitude, modulation (frequency or amplitude or both) and linked to a signal generator to use cricket noise or other local environmental background noise as a cover while the pulsed modulated slow-kill signal is masked within it using FFT to ferret out the cover-kill signal in the far-field is simplest. There is also near-field that is harder to ferret out, but works the same nonetheless. Now there is no debate, weapons exist regardless of what obfuscation our IC or Russia's IC or China's IC is doing. If a 2015 Small Business of the Week as recognized by U.S. Senate in Federal Register can build one of these weapons then by all means intelligence agencies and nation states as well as terrorists have also built these weapons in the past.

We have over $4MM in federal gov work and collaborations and were attacked in 2022 with neuroweapons.




The American tax payer, our international teamed industrialists and local chemical companies were all impacted by this neuroweapon spying in perch mode and subsequent conversion to attack/kill mode. Therefore, deal with it. These scary ass weapons exist in the world and there needs to be a coordinated counterstrike by the people in the world that respect neurorights to address it now vs. later.

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Brandon thank you for all the hard work and research you’ve done to prove what the government refuses to recognize! There are thousands upon thousands of US civilians having this done to them. It’s non consensual experimentation and torture. I myself, have experienced these attacks since 2012 after working for a private business in Houston. It all started after I discovered nefarious activities being done. The owner has deep political and law enforcement ties within the community. Law enforcement and agencies at the local, state and national level turned their head. Others outside of myself had these same attacks. I have been subject to remote neural monitoring/v2k with symptoms that include tinnitus/frequency ringing, voice, burning of scalp/head/neck, targeted painful attacks against other areas of my body. Physically, I’ve experienced health decline, nerve damage, cognitive damage and other symptoms and organ issues continue to present themselves in alignment of increased attacks. I have measurable diagnostics from 2012 to current day that prove the physical impact. I’m a member of two organizations that have thousands of civilians reporting the same symptoms. Both organizations have active class action lawsuits in place. When will this stop when our fate is in the hands of the courts to pass laws banning it and acknowledging these attacks were made against citizens? What can be done to counter these attacks on a larger scale to neutralize these non consensual bodily attacks? How can counter technology reach all of us suffering from these daily attacks to provide liberty and relief while the government sits and denies it exists? This injustice against humanity must STOP.

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The first step is to ensure your body is clean, from adversarial synthetic biology wetware spybugs. Then the second step is to delink from psionic ELF transmitters and near-field scalar transmitters sending information to "seeds" comprised of mesogen: nemetic crystals within your body. Then the third step is to purge and utilize advanced encryption (quantum tech) for all data communications and hardware, with no Made in China or ChinaCCP affiliated hardware entities within your supply chain.

Then once you are clear of adversarial synthetic biology, psionic ELF, adversarial near-field scalar transmitters sending information and "imprints" through "the vacuum" back into 3D space-time you can start to regain cognitively clarity and health.

The technologies utilized in the current neurowar by chinaCCP and their terrorist proxies was stated in 1999 in "unrestricted warfare" on democratic nations by authoritative nations building out "technocommunism" controls, inclusive of psionics, neurotechnology and genomic circuits.

I'll continue to post countermeasures that work, but the key is for a clean body and mind. The clean body requires physical world chelation and not mixing cheese/dairy with meat in a given day, no yeast, no added sugars, avoidance of consuming blood (e.g. all meats, etc. consumed boiled deblooded). The unstructured synthetic biology reaction of (Iron+Water+Peroxides yields cross-domain-bacteria CDB (e.g. Morgellons Disease) within the body in an electrosmog world. Basically, new physics is required to counter the nefarious use of new physics, but first you must purge your body of adversarial synthetic biology to delink and decohere with source transmitters.

I'll continue to post more detailed briefs and work on our virtual and physical clinic to counter-act the nefarious use of what could be an amazing life enhancement, but evil Godless groups in this world have chosen to use the technology adversely to slow-kill and degrade people at a distance, unfortunately this is the world, for those not living in grace.

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You mean to say a life under grace is immune to the weapons?

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Not at all. However, if someone is living with grace top of mind, then they can detect nefarious niBMI wetware spybugs that covertly try to influence then and help adversaries put dirt on them. If you're already dirty (in mind) then getting dirt via neuroweapons is a lot easier to compromise someone. However, if you're not dirty (cognitively) then when a neuroweapon attack hits you then you can detect the unnatural thoughts. This is one method to counterstrike adversarial neurotechnology, having a clean mind and of course body.

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deletedMay 17
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Jamal, sounds like you’ve got a synthetic biology wetware spybug or neurohack ongoing. Don’t believe anything you hear, the entire objective of ChinaCCP is to adversarial turn nation on nation and people with a nation on the other people within the nation. Objective is simple, sew and wreak havoc on the population base of all other countries besides ChinaCCP in their “unrestricted warfare” global attack.

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Thank you Brandon. I don't know anything about this spybug situation but I feel 100% sure that's what this is. I know I'm being watched and followed everywhere I'm going. Even in my home. When I'm in certain parts of my house I can hear a loud ring that's like a high energy sound and then my organs start feeling affected. Parts of my body jumps or sounds of something ripping through my stomach. And when it's happening cars and motorcycles and scooters make loud noise outside my window or they blow their horns.

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Jul 18Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.

Years ago my wife was stopped by TSA agents at the Charlotte NC Airport and held for over staying in the US. She just flew back from Her home country with my 1 year old child , they wanted to charger her with a felony and held them both i protested

 this action  and they let me take them home with the promise of bringing her back the next day to send her back to her home country.  We had a meeting with or representative of South Carolina in  Clyburn office. His assistant  meet with us and told us we did not have to go and that they would get the date police to guard our house from federal officer I'm assuming Homeland security.  We were thrilled about this decision from my representative  but later that evening we got a call back saying they could not do what the previously had said they would do because of the Patriot Act. We were highly disappointed and I took my family back to the airport the next day because the threated that if she wasn't back her they were going to come and get her!

As I saw my wife and 1 year old child being escorted to there plane by TSA agents I was in turmoil.  Ever since this has happened I have been harassed and tortured still to this day.

I eventually got my wife and daughter back in the country after  a lot of paperwork and money it took 2 1/2 years .

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Wetware contamination with adversarial wetware or biofilm coded by neurotechnology or other adversarial wetware will do that - since at least 2012-2013 now it is a risk. Our enemies utilize it to false positive Americans and sew distrust and weird interactions (e.g. what you just indicated) so that we cut our selves to death from within, which is what our enemies want us to do.

All of the posts regarding calcium-disodium-EDTA chelation (Dr. Ana introduced me to this) and oxygen HBOT with ozone (Nenah Sylver PhD) and personal R&D 5 years ago (nootropic enhancement) introduced me to this to destroy and remove wetware. The rife and EMF also helps me as well, but only when used with chelation and in an environment that is controlled (e.g. vibratory, bioresonance, audio: longitudinal waves, EMF).

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Minus the genome-damage claims, I recently wrote about my OpenV2K project, which seeks to affordably recreate what Sharp and Justesen did in 1975: pulse modulate the microwave auditory effect. Such RF capabilities are doable with used amplifiers, by SDR hacker amateurs, for under $10,000 USD: appearing to hallucinate voice, from an RF external stimulus, and it's easier than it seems like it should be.

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I was working on my PhD in clinical psychology after I visited China when the trap door of chronic illness opened up underneath me and swallowed me whole. I never finished my PhD and I'm only now getting my land legs back.

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My life has been more than unfortunate. Please watch two YouTube videos that I created under the handle matchboxsign39.

American citizen unfairly and unjustly on terrorist watch list


My health turned south when I taught English in China


I could absolutely use a hand

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Will read and look into. Thank you. Please do check out www.electrostasis.com and send in an inquiry if you think it worth your time.

Teaching English in China, what years?

We're in neurowar, our enemies try to mess with democratic nation state key people and high capacity people first (first responders, police, mil, intelligence, anyone who brings stability and advancement to the nation). One of the tactics is to make someone go crazy and get their own nation to flag them on a watchlist.

ChinaCCP and Russia tried to do this to me, but I was already a member of Infragard with the FBI and vetted from background, stability, etc. I've also signed-off on people for IC to work with as well, so that PSYOP trick didn't get me, but the key-signal and initial NKT attack 2022 from perch mode to attack mode did hurt, but I'm back up and running now. The real hard part is removing the remnants of the wetware spybug junk, understanding how it regrows and how to non-invasively remove it using applied new physics and conventional chelation and mass transfer with blood circulatory and removal systems. We're in very strange times and the fog of war is first a cognitive fog with use of neuroweapons prior to what Robert McCreight at National Defense University NDU calls a follow-on kinetic strike.

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Wild times. I was in Hunan Province in 2005 and later took the train west down the Silk Road and visited Xinxiang Province prior to it being closed to forgeigers and the complete oppression and genocide of the Uigher minority group.

Crazy times indeed.

I've never heard another person other than a former doctor of mine who borrowed it from me use the term "cognitive fog". Sounds like we are on the same page.

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Brandon ,Thanks so much for this !

I'm literally crying&praising God for you&your work . Hundreds of thousands of us are being targeted in this way .And not just adults , but children & animals .

It's so surreal that this is our reality & most of us have been isolated & psychologically tortured to the point of no return . Personally, I have moments when my heart &strength fail me ,but I'm not made to give up .

My dad was a marine during the Vietnam War, he was sent to Cambodia at the age of 17 fresh out of military school . I believe he was an MKultra victim . He never left those jungles (in his mind) but he didn't stand down .At the time of his "death" he had set up a website exposing what he knew to be truth .

So pardon my language, but 'hoo - fucking - rah' , I didn't want to fight this battle but since I'm backed into a corner I suppose I'll have to bite .

I'm currently doing research for 'Targeted justice' , on several topics .One being Government funding of targeting innocent civilians , including the extent of involvement of any specific entities , & their complicity, collusion & roles therein.

Particularly ,in addition to all things you mention , My passionate interest is "what, who,why,when" the optogenetic holocaust was unleashed on humanity . I say 'interest' tongue in cheek , bc it's more personal than that as I am steadily losing my vision . I keep up with your content eagerly ,but have only been acquainted with your work for a few months now so I'm unsure if you've approached this topic or not . It seems to be pretty unfamiliar to the masses&many professional organizations, but I'm willing to bet a person as neuro-aware as yourself has heard of this subject?

I apologize for the novel lol , Hope it's not too hard to read ,as I'm struggling with some cognitive fog due to being heavily d.e.w.'d since October. My physical health is suffering, I have advanced degenerative changes to my spine and hands &I'm in such excruciating pain at times It's difficult to function . I feel sick in every cell of my body . Obviously, I suffer from Havana Syndrome. Hoping to be able to do some healing . Although finding treatment is near impossible. So ,truly , from all of us suffering from invisible torture, thank you . ' Vengeance is mine thus says Adonai,for I will repay' ,God bless & keep going.

P.S Without saying too much at this time ,it wasn't safe for us to talk on call , so I've had to put it off while I move forward with plans . However , I'm aiming for end of this month to reschedule our meeting if you're still open to it . I very much look forward to it ,Kind Sir .

You are fighting the most noble battle under Elohim , Source of all Creation ,Blessed be His Holy Name . & if the world hates us ,we much count it all joy ,to suffer even a little for what is right &just .

Amen & a big hug from all of humanity, Shalom .

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No worries, you're welcome.

Here is what is going on. Our common enemy ChinaCCP is doing a multi-pronged strike using advanced neurotechnology in neurowar times.

#1 ChinaCCP PLA attacking democratic nation key high performers in the top 5 to 10% as stated in the Homeland Defense Committee Meeting yesterday found here: https://youtu.be/LCYH_K850Lw

#2 then ChinaCCP PLA attacking civilians to overload our national security personnel with a flood of neuroweapon afflicted people

If you are not shielded cognitively with an on-body scalar, on-body ELF and keeping your body very clean and distancing (socially) from contaminated Tik Tokers with synthetic non-invasive brain-machine-interfaces niBMIs cognitively messing with other Americans not on Tik Tok then the above points #1 and #2 are very hard to see with a clear mind and eyes. Further, ChinaCCP has pierced our national security "eye" and clouded it so even our national security personnel, sadly are clouded in their OODA loops. God Bless.

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Many thanks for the reply. a couple quick questions, please ?

1. Would you happen to have a link to legit devices that aren't mega expensive? (the on body scaler & ELF)

2. Are other countries just as infiltrated as the U.S ?

3. How do we stay away from contaminated people ? How can we identify them ?

Thank you for your time ! - Ɗ

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deletedMay 10
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Michelle ♡

So sorry I'm JUST seeing this now ...

as you know ,our communications are manipulated .

Anyhow,To answer you, no. Unfortunately ,as of yet I've not been successful in my search for an affordable and legitimate device to protect and/or heal the damage we've endured . And ,I've looked, high and low and In between. Any that are affordable to me I don't trust to be genuine. Ive heard the quwave defender has helped some ,but it's not exactly what we're looking for but it CAN protect from Pulsed emfs and the electromagnetic llow frequency microwaves . Any on Etsy or Amazon or ebay I wouldn't trust ,for sure . I will keep looking tho . How are you holding up?

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Brandon,I have the up most respect for your work and position,so please don't think I am being disrespectful,when I ask,Have you ever thought that it just maybe your own government ABC agencies?or security agencies?like SIS=security industry specialist in Seattle Wa.There is a whistleblower who was contracted with SIS,and he talks about,how that company not only does gang stalking ,but also V2k/synthetic telepathy technology on the homeless population in Wa,state. This is the state I live in.Check him out on Google,Bryan Kofron security industry specialist Seattle Wa. Thank you God bless.

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I've considered various bad actors and bad apples within governments. Based upon the weapon's nature as identified from a frequency scan and the treatment with oxygen directly impacting and degrading the fungus, all data points to ChinaCCP bioweapons and BRAIN initiative after I gave their CCP delegation a tour of my work in Los Angeles, CA circa 2017/2018. Industrial espionage non-invasively dosed wetware is common these days.

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Brandon with all do respect,thank you for getting this information out to the public,but my question to is,why do you believe that these attacks,are all by china? i've been dealing with this problem personally for over 8 and a half year's 24/7 365 the Perps,communicate with me via ,"synthetic telepathy" some call it. I've tested them to see if they're American,And yes, they have Gen X+Millennials American Slang.I read that the DIA ,an CIA ,are the ones,that comprise the" Hive Mind"teams.These teams have 3-6 people and there contractors with the CIA.The DIA an CIA have memory management /behavior control/blocking memories.A whistleblower for a security industry specialist in "Seattle WA", said SIS is doing these attacks on Americans with/without stalking.look up a Bryan Kofron security industry specialist.see what you think.God bless

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They don't care about us; they only support the government and upper class. They don't care about the targeted individuals that never worked for the government in there life. Which is why we may not get justice until Jesus Christ returns and the rich will get what they deserve.

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