You claim the TECHNOLOGY TO BE 'NON-Aggresive' in the West.

For a Group of Demon Worshipers alligned with the most Luciferian Network known to the whole Earth as The Black Nobility ran by 'The Committee of 300' now installed to saturation in The United States Corporation located in the Sewer of D.C. SEEKING TO DEPOPULATE, STERILIZE, DISABLE AND CYBER-DIGITALLY ENSLAVE their own population as is apparent via Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Sabrina Wallace's Psinergy/Nonvaxx420 and Karl and Dr. Nixon's Substacks...Find your classifications interesting if not threatening propaganda.

In the end; all of the current Technology is aligned and there is Global Conspiracy to UNITE THE WHOLE WORLD UNDER THE CCP/CHINA'S ULTIMATE POLICE STATE as the Pipe Dream of The Black Nobility since before the world was discovered and proven round.

Honestly, who do you believe you're fooling at this late date. There is simply too much information available to verify what has been wrote here in this comment to be absolutely ON-TARGET.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Author

I think this comment here says it all. In order for evil to win, good people simply have to do nothing. I hope that you're not completely compromised by an adversarial AI BCPS using you to write this comment. God bless. The ChinaCCP will not succeed in the long run, they perhaps have gotten too proud with their initial "Neurostrike".

Regarding "fooling" people the comment is off-base and not accurate.

Also, it is important to note that some evil rich prick ruling families (inclusive of the CCP) are behind a lot of this technology. I'd have to gander the alcohol elite families of the world have access to this technology too, but keep in mind these are groups that don't always play well together. So, some families on earth have CCP taking their marketshare with the same tech amplified.

We're in active neurowar.

God bless.

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Indeed, we are in an active NEUROWAR...As exhibited in all the Substack already mentioned. The U.S. is as evil as the CCP/China and in fact are a simple OUTGROWTH from the Technology from the west based upon that of Nazi Germany as you're fully aware.

Really MUST define exactly how my comment is 'Off Base' and 'Not Accurate."

You're aware of False Flag Black Op of what they now harp on to be 'Covid' setting-up the EUA Countermeasures the HHS/CDC/FDA camouflages as pharmaceutical Vaccine instead of the BioElectroChemicalNanoWeapon Injections they actually were.

You're fully aware of the development to be with DARPA and GLAXO Wellness Trust and the Injections contain the same 'Dish Sink Toxins' as those Geo-Engineered with Nanotech into the environment with AMERICAN/WESTERN AIRLINES AND AIRLINE COMPANIES as well as placing it into food.

You're also aware of The United States Corporation located in the Sewer of D.C.; the FDA, has been lobbied by foreign agents aligned with CCP/China to allow the monopoly of the Territory's Food Supply to be processed and distributed by both Brazillian and Chinese Companies on top of allowing China/CCP to purchase U.S. Farmland and land surrounding Military Bases.

The United States Corporation deliberately sought to MURDER, DISABLE, STERILIZE AND CYBER-DIGITALLY ENSLAVE its own people and you're fully aware of that fact.




Really wish to know your answer without any pretense, gaslighting or insults to anybody's intellect and instincts when they're united and have no contradiction in any fashion. When somebody raises issues as here and not; that is NOT consistent with anybody being compromised with the Neurowarfare Agents of China/CCP when there's no sign of it as YOU HAVE IDENTIFIED TO EXIST. If you wish to insist we, out here, to be infected after being the naive one to actually GIVE THE TECHNOLOGY to the CCP/China; it could be argued you're the stooge propagandist involved with 'Controlled Opposition' to gather data and negate credibility.

Sabrina Wallace:


There is plethora information out and about in Alternative Media...

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Russia, Brazil, America and the other countries believe in God. ChinaCCP does not believe in God. Evil ass groups work with CCP and are part of it at war with The West and covertly actually within Russia (God fearing nations).

The battle is clear and ancient, between good and evil. ChinaCCP has a couple of state sponsored monasteries and study facilities, but even their elders find the younger generation an insult to them and further they throw the dead bodies of their people on rock cliffs and let the vultures peck at the necrosis human remains and let the bones pile up. That is straight up evil.

CCP uses the love of money (to lure those tempted from other nations in democratic regimes) to sell out capitalism into a communists hand. This is the playbook CCP has done to build its' manufacturing base, steal, etc. novel tech then mass produce at low cost subsidized and simply with disregard to life to then dump product into other markets. Currently CCP is dumping solar panels and shutting down other nation state manufacturers. I have zero respect for CCP, but do work with Chinese not held to the gun by the CCP and ones that don't have wetware in their bodies that lets CCP spy on them. Are you with CCP?

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There are many people declaring to be of Faith in God in this world and the Blessings of the U.S.; the only other Nation of the World consecrated to God at its inception by choice of 'The People' (Even Israel was a choice forced by God). This nation more blessed than any other; this 'BRIGHT LIGHT ON A HILL' now Murders millions in the womb every single year, allows the UNGODLY you outline to INFEST it, allows ENEMIES AS THE MUSLIMS to enter and to reside; and it's simple knowledge many claiming God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as their God in the light of day most certainly are actual WORSHIPERS of SATAN/LUCIFER by night in the caves, basements, dungeons, attics, woods and forests with their Ritual Torture/Rapes/Murders of babies and children or other innocents TRAFFICKED into the country in numbers as never before as God's enemies seek POWER OVER THE PEOPLE and a 'TARGET RICH ENVIRONMENT'.

There is a family; of the 13 Black Nobility now having a Winery/Vineyard in NY where their sadist daughter orgasms with Ritual Torture, Rape and Murder of babies; the younger the better for production of Adrenochrome bottled and hidden among the bottles to be distributed under cover WITH the wine.

Could relate any number of bites of info as that and will not. THE CURRENT U.S. IS NOT CHRISTIAN OR OF GOD unless God is now SATAN/LUCIFER. That is now the Federal Govt. of the U.S. and as such; EVIL BEYOND EVEN OLD BABYLON OF THE BIBLE.

Perhaps, you've been hung-up in your lab or someplace studying within your areas of expertise. Some, now retired, have been researching into other areas of their expertise. Never know what or who one is going to encounter here...Communication is greatly inhibited without body to body, one one one encounters.

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Suggest you catch-up with such history of this country as MK Ultra...Carried-Out by those claiming to be Believers in God...But, not really the God of Christians, Jews or even Muslims or any other of the World's Religions. That fairly well reduces the U.S. to the Satanic/Luciferian Secularism of China/CCP or Hell, if you wish.

This a transparent presentation by Sabrina Wallace it may be informative for you. It may or may not be informative for you.


Though it's not new fyi for you; it is for many others disgusted with the B.S. It is food for the masses pertaining to the 'Emerging Technologies' of the United States Corporation already DEPLOYED ALMOST 3 decades ago and only perfected and advanced since with help of GODLESS China/CCP who have no boundaries about experiementation upon their population equal to that of the Demonic Bully Billionaires and Mega-Trillionaire Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits of Europe's Banking Empire in The City of London, The Crown Corporation and the old British East India Trading Company now legitamized as The Commonwealth.

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You give these demons way too much credit and by complaining about them like there's nothing we can do to stop them is only helping them accomplish their goal. Why not use your excellent writing skills and knowledge to educate the People and show how uniting as a one force could stop and even reverse the damage that has been done. Are you saying evil is more powerful the God? I'm not giving up. Brandon is giving us solutions to help clean our bodies and clear our minds so we can take this fight to the next level.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

Hi Brandon, I want to thank you so much for what you have taught me. I literally would not be alive today if it wasn't for you and of course, God for guiding me to you. You need to learn about Kimberly Goguen. She holds many titles, notably "The office of the Gardean" (of humanity) She also heads the department that issues currency in all countries all over the world. It is very deep what is going on in our world, hence the need to control people thru bio warfare such as Nuerostrike etc... You are absolutely correct when you call out the biggest culprit-China. There is a much bigger picture that goes very deep. There is a reason all Manufacturing went to China during the Obama admin. Why China corners the market with chips, and hardware for, not only our technology, but all over the globe. Why our pharmaceuticals are manufactured in China. Please watch this report https://rumble.com/v3074dc-12-jul-2023-united-network-tv-full-newscast-with-kimberly-goguen-and-sunny-.html

Kimberly's sitrep starts at the 38.42 minute marker. There are certain sitreps Kim feels are so important, she has them for free on Rumble. Kimberly gives sitreps Mon, Wed, and Fri (if she is not operational) on www.unitednetwork.tv. I have other links to free sitreps I will post here for you and your viewers. In short, Kim took down a data center in Wuhan that was deep underground that had 1000's of employees and 1000's of monitors that could see thru the eyes and hear thru the ears of millions of people. Many, you will know. I know this will not come as a shock to you because you understand the tech behind it all. Let me know if you have any questions. If you do a "Google" search on Kimberly, be aware, there is a mass smear campaign against her. They do not want this information (truth) out there. All the best to you and thank you again for literally saving my life. I am targeted, "they" try to dose me daily with fungus. I am fighting back and winning because of you. I don't eat meat. very little dairy, and mostly eat living food. Take good care, Leah Anne Christe

Sitrep starts at 33:33 minute Marker: In my opinion, this is one of the most important reports she has done. Kim details EVERYTHING. In addition to the A.I's that were controlling humanity for eons that were taken down and eliminated. This is very deep. When she speaks of the lower astrol., that is the 9 levels of Hell. Literally.


Kimberly starts at the 26:24 ish minute marker: https://rumble.com/v2srgd8-05-june-2023-united-network-tv-full-situation-report-with-kimberly-goguen-a.html?e9s=rel_v1_b

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

Hi Brandon, I want to thank you so much for what you have taught me. I literally would not be alive today if it wasn't for you and of course, God for guiding me to you. You need to learn about Kimberly Goguen. She holds many titles, notably "The office of the Gardean" (of humanity) She also heads the department that issues currency in all countries all over the world. It is very deep what is going on in our world, hence the need to control people thru bio warfare such as Nuerostrike etc... You are absolutely correct when you call out the biggest culprit-China. There is a much bigger picture that goes very deep. There is a reason all Manufacturing went to China during the Obama admin. Why China corners the market with chips, and hardware for, not only our technology, but all over the globe. Why our pharmaceuticals are manufactured in China. Please watch this report https://rumble.com/v3074dc-12-jul-2023-united-network-tv-full-newscast-with-kimberly-goguen-and-sunny-.html

Kimberly's sitrep starts at the 38.42 minute marker. There are certain sitreps Kim feels are so important, she has them for free on Rumble. Kimberly gives sitreps Mon, Wed, and Fri (if she is not operational) on www.unitednetwork.tv. I have other links to free sitreps I will post here for you and your viewers. In short, Kim took down a data center in Wuhan that was deep underground that had 1000's of employees and 1000's of monitors that could see thru the eyes and hear thru the ears of millions of people. Many, you will know. I know this will not come as a shock to you because you understand the tech behind it all. Let me know if you have any questions. If you do a "Google" search on Kimberly, be aware, there is a mass smear campaign against her. They do not want this information (truth) out there. All the best to you and thank you again for literally saving my life. I am targeted, "they" try to dose me daily with fungus. I am fighting back and winning because of you. I don't eat meat. very little dairy, and mostly eat living food. Take good care, Leah Anne Christe

Sitrep starts at 33:33 minute Marker: In my opinion, this is one of the most important reports she has done. She details EVERYTHING. The whole agenda in addition to the many A.I's that were controlling humanity for eons that were taken down and eliminated. This is very deep. When she speaks of the lower astrol., that is the 9 levels of Hell. Literally.


Kimberly starts at the 26:24 ish minute marker: https://rumble.com/v2srgd8-05-june-2023-united-network-tv-full-situation-report-with-kimberly-goguen-a.html?e9s=rel_v1_b

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Would be VERY grateful for all the info ,ty!

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Where is this clinic , and are they taking new patients for appts? I have $ , that's not an issue . I'd love a LBA and a calcium disodiumEDTA IV and to talk to a professional who takes me seriously.

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Virtual as of June 2024.

Physical sites will be in New Orleans, LA and West Texas.

Regarding Live Blood Analysis LBA and calcium-disodium EDTA I can provide a reference for current practitioners now that have active clinics. Will publish this as a brief for everyone to reference.

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