Dec 28, 2023Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.

Hmm this is indeed interesting. But id like to see more info on this. Are we saying that keywords about chelation etc created this error crash within the app? Or the process of chelation in the body of the user was highlighting a body state scan using the Bluetooth module? I have heard that Bluetooth can be possibly used to create 3d scans of biology and monitor biological processes.

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023Author

Terrific question, please read these two posts as it goes over the methodology taken to disrupt the noninvasive dosed brain machine interface bmi bug.

I also uploaded the log files.

All modern smartphones have phased array antennas in them with variable frequency that can do scans and bioenergetic logs for read and writing to our bodies. The tech goes a lot deeper than this (all the way into scalar waves and DNA, degradation or enhancement). Now with ChinaCCP Civil-Military Fusion neurowar everyone in the world that is still free, needs to skill-up in this covert tech immediately, else risk being deceived by the neurotechnology.



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Hmm ok have now read those articles thanks.

I wonder if shungite could be useful?

It vibrates and absorbes emfs and steps down frequencies. I have observed it blocking emfs in close proximity without needing to be in-between a transmitter and target. It sure is an interesting material.

I have observed garlic repelling graphene or black goo which I assume contains graphene.

I feel Harald Kautz Vella may be able to assist with this problem.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8Author

I think if you combined shungite with mesogens, graphenes and nanotech then you might be onto something that could interfere with the niBMI systems.

Here is my reverse engineering to-date: you have to do a mesogen-in-the-middle to hack the niBMI and neurotech hardware pipeline to cause a buffer overflow like this with bluetooth. You can do a mesogen on a chip or go graphene or go wetware with some neurons. Here is the graphene example: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41565-018-0163-6 (basically, you can then use an emf field to interrupt the mesogen, graphene and nanotech in the middle .... this is one way to hack hardware neurotech communication with noninvasively dosed brain machine interfaces bmis. #neurohacking 101

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Jan 8Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.

Shungite is a very interesting substance.


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You have to do a mesogen-in-the-middle to hack the niBMI and neurotech hardware pipeline to cause a buffer overflow like this with bluetooth. You can do a mesogen on a chip or go graphene or go wetware with some neurons. Here is the graphene example: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41565-018-0163-6 (basically, you can then use an emf field to interrupt the mesogen, graphene and nanotech in the middle .... this is one way to hack hardware neurotech communication with noninvasively dosed brain machine interfaces bmis. #neurohacking 101

The spy use case is to plant mesogens, graphenes and nanotech into someone non-invasively then monitor them, you can over time train the niBMI network to connect to wireless devices (think bluetooth and wifi) and it acts as a type of relay for TX/RX.

Stuff most people don't know about.

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This response in the comments section is awesome

/// start response


Nov 15, 2023


'org.thoughtcrime.securesms' is the package name of the Signal app.

Moxie who runs Signal and wrote the original code is big on references to and quotes from Orwell's "1984". Quote form the book:

Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.

Also nice to see Signal working out the kinks on quantum resistant cryptography well in advance:


/// end response

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023Author

Terrific question, please read these two posts as it goes over the methodology taken to disrupt the noninvasive dosed brain machine interface bmi bug.

Keep in mind "neurohacking" is a product line extension from "cyberhacking"



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RemovedDec 28, 2023Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
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On our smartphones there is code that can read your thoughts. The technology behind it is called "neurotechnology". Very covert and elite hackers know how to "false positive" this "thought crime" code .... through a technique called "neurohacking" ... then the nation state's national defense system automates an action on the person. This is just one of many ways that ChinaCCP PLA Xi's NeuroStrike (e.g. Magic Weapon) is messing with people from thousands of miles away. I purposefully put myself in the spotlight to get their neurohackers and AI to take a mis-step to force an error while also neurohacking their AI neurohackers, basically forced an equivalent of a "buffer overflow". ChinaCCP NeuroStrike is messing with the 5 eyes neurotechnology based monitoring system and all the interconnects.... hope this helps IC agents fight back against ChinaCCP coalition (authoritarian regimes) with raw real world data that I've risked my life for several times and will do it again.

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Being angry doesn't solve anything, staying level keeps one focused and able to counterstrike.

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