RemovedMay 2
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I've been blessed. Using the gifts God gave me to reverse engineer the attack was a Godsend. Now new "new physics" based knowledge that few groups in the world know and can apply in counterstrike response to a "new physics" attack. Next step is to confirm return to signal and triangulation of given scalar transmitters to the source transmitters and add this to our clinic work to also help others and counterstrike the transmitters with a structured and methodical counterstrike sequence that reverses the CODEX (e.g. almost akin to reading a CODEX backwards with spoken word via longitudinal waves, but in the scalar (near-field domain)). Also, figured out how to de-link the synbio from within the cellular tissue without damaging the cellular tissue (e.g. decontamination step).

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I'm guessing your'e light years ahead of this, but a few years ago I found a patent by a Chinese electrical engineer (LA area based) named Da Li who had invented a machine that could reportedly trace the source of signals. He was very kind in our communication but could not offer me assistance in using his machine, even if I flew out to LA, instead he told me to find an engineer to assist. Here is a link to that info: https://uspto.report/patent/app/20200390360. Considering I had just been imprisoned in a mental ward for seeking help from a doctor (terrified of conversion terrorism and the threats they had made about my children) so finding an engineer or even speaking about it further , to anyone, wasn't an option. I've never been a person who sought revenge, but now, someday soon, I hope the scumbags doing this to us will understand how this feels. They are not the Gods, they seem to believe they are from their unaccountable perches. Upon reading about your "next step" I'm ready to pack up and drive to your facility as a lab rat seeking freedom, STAT. Do you have a timeline on when this will be an option?

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NEVER TRUER WORDS, m'dear. Brandon is the bomb, in my book.

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