Neurohacking + Cybersecurity 104: Hardware Pipeline Chain and Isolation Points for Electronic Adversarial AI Containment
Hardware with AI neurotechnology enabled chipsets in it as well as wireless devices communicate with synthetic biology and link to the internet of things. Here are hardware containment steps.
If you are reading this there is a high probability that you are neuroaware or at least neuro curious, due to hearing about this technology or by being attacked by the adversarial weaponized use of neurotechnology with synthetic biology.
First things first, this brief goes into the hardware components that enable a neurotechnology plus synthetic biology attack that can be extremely persistent state and how to eliminate the problem hardware devices that provide pipelines (wireless) for the “contaminated” synthetic biology to link up with.
Typical information technology assets at an average person’s household includes:
fiber, DSL or cable modem all-in-one device with wifi and hardwired ethernet
laptops (wifi connected with bluetooth on)
smart phones (wifi connected with bluetooth and cell telco network on)
tablets (wifi connected with bluetooth on)
smart television units (wifi connected)
computer desktop with monitor and box with keyboard and mouse usb connected or wirelessly connected
Here is what you can do within normal means to secure your household or office environment. It requires you to eliminate all wireless (e.g. clean up your electrosmog environment). The objective here is to start from a clean baseline and then when you start adding wireless you can itemize where the attacks come from (e.g. local wireless device) or if you still have psionic weapon attacks, then you know it is from an adjacent wifi system that you can’t control or from a nation state level psionic weapon system that you can jam with an on body ELF generator and scalar wave generator that has a local greater power than the remote one gunning you down.
replace the all-in-one cable modem+router+wifi with separate cable modem (not made in China) and a separate router (no wifi and not made in China).
Utilize an intrusion detection and prevention system IDS/IPS. I can vouch for pfSense out of Austin, TX USA as I’ve been there in person.
Run ethernet cables to your smart TV and disable the wireless on it for wifi and smart phone connect. If you have any made in China smart tvs (e.g. Hisense, etc.) try to return them and if you can’t do that then destroy them and throw them away. I wouldn’t encourage anyone to resell these horrible backdoor neurotech enabled hardware devices to anyone. [3]
Laptops & Desktops: Run ethernet cables to your laptop space and desktop space and connect your computer to your laptop or desktop with a usb cable (local connect). Replace your monitor if new with an older one pre 2010s or pre 2013 (when the BRAIN initiatives all kicked off globally) that enable pervasive neurotechnology and synthetic biology across adversarial nation states with evil use of AI and neurotechnology.
Purchase usb-c adapters or lightning adapters to connect your smartphones and tablets to the ethernet (after putting them in lockdown and secure modes and uninstalling all of the apps on it, specifically China CCP apps that India’s Ministry of Information Technology has banned). The lockdown mode on Apple disables a ton of wireless. Make sure your bluetooth and wifi are turned off on the smart phones.
Make sure that the monitor your computer workstation is utilizing is not neurotechnology or wirelessly linked (e.g. pre 2010 ish is a good rule of thumb to have older monitors not neurotechnology enabled). The latest gaming monitors are on-average neurotechnology enabled for enhanced situational awareness.
Make sure your refrigerator, smart thermostat, security cameras (never use wifi ones, ever ever and never use a made in China or Russia hardware item if you live in the West as KGB and China’s United Front will utilize it to breach into you and your family members, yes in unrestricted warfare everyone is fair game these days to an AI neurotechnology enabled hacking system manned or unmanned) or coffee pot or other IoT enabled devices have the wireless disabled or unplugged. China hackers and their proxies love to contaminate insecure IoT hardware pipelines.
Purchase faraday sleeves for your smart phones to isolate them, only when troubleshooting. I can vouch for MOS Equipment product lines, but the latest phones need to be double bagged.
Once you have established a spectrum baseline (e.g. taken offline all of your bluetooth and wifi), you can then “rationally” go about itemizing the problem devices that are wireless enabled enabling neurohacking AIs to penetrate your home and mess with you and your family.
Keep in mind this does not cover the removal of in-situ synthetic biology, which requires chelators. The in-situ synthetic biology is what links your body to the spectrum around you and other synthetic biology enabled life. The chelators that Dr. Ana MD recommends for removal of synthetic biology is calcium-disodium-EDTA and high dose vitamin C [2]. Remember, while you are in the process of removing the synthetic biology, minimizing your exposure to EMF spectrum concentrated transmitter sources is the only way to keep it from rebuilding further networks within your body. A simple solution to this is to sport a faraday (nickel and silver) apparel system during this drawdown process. Why?
The synthetic biology that is harassing you persistent state, was programmed over a period of time (days, weeks, months and for some years). Therefore, it takes time to draw down the synthetic biology before it gets rebuilt again over time in a non-contaminated fashion (e.g. isolation from other contamination sources that originally attacked you, specifically China and Russia “splinter-net” and proxy groups neurohacking you with adversarial AI [3]. This information is not based upon any “beliefs” but facts as you can confirm from prior contamination posts with SSIDs broadcasted from human contaminated bodies.
List of References:
Dear Brandon!
Thank you for your detailed enlightened articles! I am gradually trying to catch up!
You seem to know so much about networks, etc. I wanted to ask you a question if you do not mind.
I cannot seem to understand it.
My house does not have ANY wifi. My neighbors who are pretty far away - do not use Wifi. There is a neighbor who is several acres away DOES use wifi but they said they cannot locate this signal.
So on my computer I see only one wifi signal that comes and goes called Hidden Network. No cell phones have any hot spots, no cell phones are on (I do not use one).
Where is it possibly coming from? (no smart meter either).
I found this article:
So maybe one of the very far neighbors may have a very strong signal? or is it through the satellites?
Is through TV antenna?
Thank you so much for your insight! let me know how I can investigate it!
So using our cell phones activates the nano tech inside us? I am playing catch up also, so much information/ misinformation out there.