Dear Brandon!

Thank you for your detailed enlightened articles! I am gradually trying to catch up!

You seem to know so much about networks, etc. I wanted to ask you a question if you do not mind.

I cannot seem to understand it.

My house does not have ANY wifi. My neighbors who are pretty far away - do not use Wifi. There is a neighbor who is several acres away DOES use wifi but they said they cannot locate this signal.

So on my computer I see only one wifi signal that comes and goes called Hidden Network. No cell phones have any hot spots, no cell phones are on (I do not use one).

Where is it possibly coming from? (no smart meter either).

I found this article:


So maybe one of the very far neighbors may have a very strong signal? or is it through the satellites?

Is through TV antenna?

Thank you so much for your insight! let me know how I can investigate it!

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Masha, you need to use a wifi browser that is not Windows or Apple based. Use a Linux/Unix box/laptop that has the ability to scan for wifis and not filter out artificial intelligence bio cyber physical systems (AI BCPS) wifis. Any version of Linux or Unix will enable you to do this. The wifi that randomly turns on and off could be from a passing car (wifi in vehicle or in your vehicle) or from biological life with synthetic biology in it (e.g. a person, dog, cat, deer, etc.). Welcome to the weird world of synthetic biology and "contamination" that emulates signals. Keep in mind it could also be from a cell phone hot spot enabled or hacked into to then link into your synthetic biology (you can check if you have synbio in you through a Live Blood Analysis LBA lab visual inspection, 4000x darkfield scope).

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Thank you, dear Brandon! What is you said is very helpful! I will look into Linex/Unix. We will investigate if the signal is coming from one of the cars, cats, or us in the house. I did think that it can be me or others. I do not have a darkfield microscope yet but I did think of doing an anti-nano detox. I will keep you posted! All the best to you!

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Here is a useful book that I ran across recently. Will be purchasing it shortly, goes over nanotechnology and nanotoxicity. Fundamentals of nanotechnology and nanotoxicity Kindle Edition by María Cecilia Colautti

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So using our cell phones activates the nano tech inside us? I am playing catch up also, so much information/ misinformation out there.

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Synthetic biology, which is comprised of nanotechnology (self-replicating), mesogens, graphenes and quantum dots, is pervasive in our world. Synthetic biology grows with energy inputs: sound (longitudinal wave), vibration, EMF (wifi, cellular, light, etc.), magnetic fields pulsing, eating & drinking water inputs more synthetic biology into you (make sure fresh vegetables and fruits, as the scalar waves make a difference for your red blood cell force fields to repel the synthetic biology). See Force Field article with lab references from David and Will. My focus is to integrate the entire system for countermeasures and decontamination after someone gets neurohacked (e.g. neurorights violated, mental-rape/water-boarding/IP-theft/trade-secret-theft), for those that are still cognitively coherent. More importantly if someone knows about this information prior to something regarding cognitive / neuroweapons messing with them, then the a priori awareness will help them immensely.

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