Feb 26Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.

Hello, Brandon;

Thank you for the post. You wrote: “…utilize a local on body and in house and in vehicle ELF generator…”. Can you elaborate on (or maybe you have examples) ‘ELF generator’. Thanks.

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Sure, please see this post here and I'll do a specific one on ELF transmitters (low power, not global ones like the site in the publication here): https://electrostasis.substack.com/p/neurohacking-428-elf-waves-transmitter

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Just a note to say that when I became a paid subscriber, and then a founding subscriber, I didn't receive any emails, so it could be a setting configuration. I just created my own substack and I know the settings can be pretty squirrelly. So if someone wants to DM you, you might miss it!

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I just checked the settings and the emails are enabled. Please try checking spam/trash (if you did already, this is all that substack recommends). Alternatively the AI enabled synthetic biology around you could have captured it if you're not on a hard-wired ethernet connection.

Regarding DM, will add this capability for March 2024.

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deletedFeb 27
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Regarding DM, will add this capability for March 2024.

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I love your idea of a "decontamination" center! Great idea. Still not sure how to DM you!

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deletedFeb 26
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Smart meters utilize EMF spectrum, which interacts with your biological tissues and synthetic biology.

However, hotels have wifi which also interact. It sounds like you have a synthetic biology linkage to your site and that you are interconnected with everything at your house, which was linked to various synthetic biology subroutines (e.g. thoughts, CODEX, visual optogenetic viewing through your eyes, yes there is synthetic biology that integrates with visual cortex and reports back information in word format (e.g. what your mind or synthetic mind is seeing, is reported backin word format to an AI system, that's just how the AI BCPS systems of the world work).

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