Can you share more on the ELF setup? Many scalar and other devices are not powerful enough if you are being targeted heavily. I've been off grid and it's still just as intense 24/7. We have scalar setups. Looking to build larger more powerful setups. We have device than can emit ELF. Nothing has effected it. What exactly would you recommend like a PEMF starcoil pulsing ELF?

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Sure, keep in mind it may not be you specifically being "targeted", but the fact that you somehow ingested or consumed simply products being exported by ChinaCCP that are dosed with significant amounts of dielectric constant enhancers. This also applies to their meat supply owned in China and internationally. What these dielectric constant enhancers (e.g. synthetic biology that is synbio accumulated in your body) do is increase your "antenna like properties" (e.g. turn your head into a radio receiver).

ELF generators when combined with scalar, delink you from the EMF psionic weapons and then heal you with scalar in a non-stressful state of mind. Remember when an ELF signal is synchronized and latched onto your neurons it literally controls from a distance your state of mind and cognitive behavior at first subtly (subconscious) and then as your dielectric constants keep getting dosed further, it becomes apparent (e.g. not able to sleep, insomnia, etc.), oversleeping, etc.

I'm currently not recommending an ELF or psionic generator until I complete reviewing them. I've also started reviewing first hand rife frequency generators (electrode and radio/spectrum) based. So far the use of the ELF and scalar systems I am testing have resulted in a positive experience when combined with chelators to reduce the dielectric constants and removal of meats/dairy/yeast/cheese and processed foods from diet. Will post more on this as I log more data. The key is that the use of a scalar and ELF when on an electrical grid connected dwelling will be overhwhelmed by dirty harmonics in the grid and electrical wiring (if underground for certain). Therefore, having clean harmonics in the electricity powering your location is key and if you need to have no electrical outlets in a sleep room (my personal experience, slept better this way when was loaded up with magnetized in situ graphenes (e.g. the ChinaCCP and proxy GONUTs weapon when coupled with an analog NKT).

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It is quite literally Very direct. Like the Ai/servitor type synthetic consciousness has created a personality of it self which torments and harasses my mind literally 24/7. They literally raided my house with psionic dew type attacks and holographic inserts and assaults for months beginning of 2020 and since then has been an onslaught on us my mind/body/consciousness directly bombarded. Yes we have basic Rife Setup using electrodes and AM heterodyne modulation like Rife used, not plasma tubes tho. Various scalar tools. Working on building a set up like a MWO. Trying to find detox protocols that can actually work for this shit. A few other areas of work like wave genetics we are looking into to see if it can assist. But specifically for the ELF with scalar seems will have to build the setups ourselves which we've found alot of resources to just hard when constantly attacked and mocked. And most that build larger setups that may be able to assist charge into the thousands. So it's on the individual to learn to build these themselves. Question is what protocols to use with them and what will actually work.

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deletedMar 6
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Anyone can purchase an ELF or scalar generator. The knowledge of how the psionic and global systems work is uncommon knowledge.

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