I would also like to book a consultation or know when or how to access your office hours. My questions are about use of a chelator equivalent that is not an IV (capsule or tablet), are you using only wired Internet connections, and what on-the-body devices you used. I was pressured into using PCR tests several times because I was not vaccinated. Early in the pandemic, it seemed like a reasonable request. Like others, I would pay for a consultation.

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If you are a subscriber there is no cost. This is my contribution to humanity as well as others doing their best to help others. All that I ask, is if this information, based upon reverse engineering and collaborating with MDs and other engineers and scientists helps you to please encourage others to educate themselves. I'll post a brief on how to schedule open office hours time.

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Thanks for your generosity. I am reading and watching a lot of videos about this health crisis, trying to understand what is confronting us. This morning, I watched a recent video interview where Dr. Malik talked with Professor Dolores Cahill. Malik told her that he believes everything is connected. It is like putting together a multi-tiered puzzle. https://rumble.com/v4f9jzf-140-dolores-cahill-discusses-covid-the-law-and-so-much-more.html

I will do what I can to encourage people to educate themselves. Again, thanks for your work!

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How does one schedule a consult and what does it cost? Where can we source the items listed as part of your stack, especially in #7 ?

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Mar 10·edited Mar 10Author

If you are a subscriber there is no cost. This is my contribution to humanity as well as others doing their best to help others. All that I ask, is if this information, based upon reverse engineering and collaborating with MDs and other engineers and scientists helps you to please encourage others to educate themselves. I'll post a list of ELF and scalar producers/manufacturers. Keep in mind the minute this list goes online it will be added to China AI system that scavenges the web and builds databases on threats, as it by now has already done so for these providers. The risk that all people now have is "interdiction" by contaminated nation state personnel in your given country (if not authoritarian).

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