Alright I’ll start researching HBOT units near me. I went out and had a session with Roger Toulces in Idaho last year this time and slept in a shield for a week and felt better. Hydra came off me freshwater ones. I wish you had a clinic where you could do this scaler and chelation all in one so I stop hearing voices. Thankyou.

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I'm building one now, day by day. Make sure you're using a HBOT chamber that can do 2.2x ATM at least. The voices are from the biofilm integrated with morgellons and the background EMF near-field and far field, inclusive of vibrations, rotating magnetic fields, etc. and your brain interprets it that way. Keep in mind there is also away more advanced version that uses "seeds" to link to a near-field transmitter as well.

That said, have you done a simple frequency scan per prior brief to see if you've got the CCP fungus wetware junk in you? Here is how you can do that scan now: https://electrostasis.substack.com/p/neurohacking-438-self-test-diy-for

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Ooooh, Bert.

Does Roger actually have a clinic? What kind of work did you do, if you don’t mind my asking? Did the work help you stop getting targeted (assuming that you were)?

I don’t know if you’ve heard of Dave Case, but he is an electrical engineer who got targeted for an invention he attempted to patent.

He reverse engineered his V2K and created a CD that apparently works like a charm to eliminate V2K.



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Brandon, I would like to contribute to your efforts. I’m not wealthy at all but I’d like to help out. Wilma

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Wilma, thank you. Please kindly see link posted within the blog above here, with clear expectations on what you're purchasing so there is no miscommunication. Thank you, grateful. Encourage everyone to go try out an HBOT at 2.2 ATM for your own health, mental clarity and life enjoyment. https://buy.stripe.com/6oEeZ1d8V3Mn4Uw288 (you can change the amount, deliverable will be the same, a monthly report. Please list email address during the check-out process, so it can be sent cost efficiently for everyone.

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Hi Brandon. What is the more advanced version of using seeds to hear voices ? Would that change anything regarding the water boarding ? My harassment has become so intolerable, I had to get in my car and drive to another state. I was followed in WV on rt 77 by an industrial type of drone- it kept blinking a light at me. This continued for a few hours. I can’t hide from these drones, helicopters, and whatever sits above me each night in the sky. My ex dropped a bag off last week and since then, harassment became much more aggressive and amplified. It hurts to go into my house now.

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I’ve started to use a lot of baking soda to clean water with, wash clothes with, clean surfaces with, etc. Salt is referenced in the bible to cleanse impure waters from natural springs, this to me indicates that salt disorganizes adversarial synthetic biology. David Nixon and Will have some publications about the use of salt demonstrated in the lab as well to disorganize the synthetic biology. The issue is when synthetic biology is pre-programmed from prior people and brains of animals/insects, etc. it spreads into objects as well, then you have a formed system trained on unhealthy thought, as the world is inundated with evil, sadly. So, this is why Kosher guidelines and Halal are so important for preparing food that you consume. The old adage is extremely true, cleanliness is close to Godliness. Synthetic biology amplifies clean or unclean environments.

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Thanks for replying. I am in Ohio at my aunt's. She lives in the country with no wifi. I am getting much relief here but I need to return home soon and I know I won't be able to tolerate being in the house. I have mental clarity here, it's like day and night. My ex didn't know where I was going, (no one knows) but he found out somehow, about three days after I arrived, and the AI harassment became much louder that evening. The UAVs showed up the same evening also. Since the synthetic bio doesn't affect others besides my son, I appear crazy. I am on day 19 or so of nonstop vibrations. I hear everything very loudly in the distance now.

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Thankyou we will try this method…. Ever seen hydra fresh water programmable in a heat shield while your sleeping in a heat shield bed faraday cage.??????? It jumped from me into my dog and into her lung and she couldn’t breathe and started coughing and could not breathe..We rushed her to veterinarians and they gave her antibiotics to get hydra parasites out her lungs. That came from me😟😞🥺

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baking soda works too. I use it to wash hands, clothes, gloves, clean surfaces, etc. It is referenced in the bible as a salt to clean unhealthy water.

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I would like to set up an appointment to go into treatment protocol. My wife and I will fly to New Orleans when you are ready. Let me know and Thankyou.

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Bert, I'd encourage you to find a local HBOT unit vs. flying into New Orleans asap. You can find a local hyperbaric oxygen treatment unit at a medical clinic most likely close to you. This is not 100% guaranteed. I'm sure if you contact this company here they can tell you where you can find their units available locally to you sir: https://www.sechristusa.com/

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