Wetware 107: Heavy Metal Detox with Chelators, Rife, Oxygen and Near Field Transmitters
After the damaged impedence crystals with adversarial wetware and biofilms to flow from right to left side and back again, there were times where pricks and pains were felt, heavy metal bioscan hits.
Okay, so progress is being made in decontaminating from adversarial wetware and biofilms with shattered impedance crystals. Yesterday, while laying on left side and right side of body while in an EMF enclosure (e.g. faraday box room) at 95 degF (higher temperatures enable the mesogens: nemetic crystals to flow easier, while hydrated with alkaline water), I could feel the shattered impedence crystals with contaminated fungus based CCP adversarial wetware and biofilms at times result in a sharp pain (indicative of metals, as I’ve had metal wires coming out of skin at times after chelation and decontamination). Therefore, I did a bioscan and heavy metal hits came back. Here are some of the heavy metals that were pulled from my body in a 2023 chelation urine analysis:
So, last night I did a rife session that attacked heavy metals to disrupt malformed wetware circuitry (e.g. metals are a key building block of wetware, adversarial and friendly). While rifing within a near field bubble within an EMF shielded space and on a vibratory table (e.g. lab bench with phenolic resin top and hard wheels, that result in minimal contact with the ground, such that the rife transmitter located underneath the table top pointing upwards to the phenolic resin table top, but not on the ground, on the table, resulted in shatterring of a lot of the heavy metal based wetware circuitry in brain that was resulting in pricks and sharp pains when the shatterred impedance crystals with CCP adversarial wetware malware and biofilm contamination was flowing from left to right and right to left.
This morning I did another oxygen session, then laid and rotated left side of body to flow the damaged mesogens: nemetic impedance crystals with CCP junk intermingled and right side rotation and the pain was reduced significantly, took more chelators and will continue to purge and decontaminate from the CCP bioweapon / synbio weapon adversarial malware and biofilms.
Therefore, my conclusion is that when the “melt” (e.g. combination of shatterred impedance crystals, adversarial wetware fungus based with metals from CCP and biofilms) flows through the organic brain tissue, as indicated by sinus cavities opening up for air flow on left sinus’ set when laying on right side with gravity flowing the “melt”, each time the “melt” flows it exposes surface area to be oxidized and biofilm attacked again with oxygen and terhertz light that does not penetrate all the way to interact with the colloidal precious metal nanoparticles and then removed through chelators flowing through the blood vessels, capillaries, etc. within the brain as the contamination passes through the blood vessels and gets chelated (captured) and then removed through urination. I also had more material leave through eyes, sinus, ear and skin. The ear material is getting reduced significantly as I continue to dose with oxygen through ears using a modified stethascope.
Biofilms and adversarial wetware is extremely tough to remove, once you get contamianted. I will always avoid yeast, focus on vegetables and plants for food with alkaline water and mega dosing daily with chelators to stay cognitively clean. Further, having near field and far field bioenergetics keeping my body and mind clear and clean with biogeometry patterns around living environment and no use of wifi ever again to minimize biofilm growth. Remember, the world is now full of a lot more electrosmog (by my estimates 5x more at least than pre 2020, due to space systems wifi and 3x more cell towers). Then when you use your smart phone in a wifi environment you’re getting that on top of the new higher baseline of electrosmog.
Continuing curiosity about difference between what you define enemy and 'FRIENDLY' Synbio.
Seems to me none is healthy and all serve the same exact purpose. What you term 'FRIENDLY'is just as poisonous as enemy's. 'FRIENDLY' can still surveil, torture, cause disease, cure disease, murder at will...The Global Information Grid is DEADLY and not peaceful for any.