Continuing curiosity about difference between what you define enemy and 'FRIENDLY' Synbio.

Seems to me none is healthy and all serve the same exact purpose. What you term 'FRIENDLY'is just as poisonous as enemy's. 'FRIENDLY' can still surveil, torture, cause disease, cure disease, murder at will...The Global Information Grid is DEADLY and not peaceful for any.

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I'm simply working to heal and recover and communicate what I'm learning. I don't see any negatives, but only positives to that. If someone sees a negative with said knowledge, then there is something off regarding that person or the AI BCPS they are linked with or biofilms they are contaminated with or adversarial wetware they are contaminated with.

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After the attack with SynBio delivery through multiple mediums including injections camouflaged as 'Vaccines' and the 'GLOBAL COVER-UP' to shield evil; anybody NOT questioning the presence of this heinous and evil technology on both sides has something wrong...DENIAL, RATIONALIZATION and PROJECTION of themselves onto others allowing them to run away from the guilt of their own involvement in its creation, advancement and saturation in the environment destroying all organic life on Earth.

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