
Are you suggesting that the C19 "vaccines" were designed to somehow protect us from Chi-CCP neurowarfare? Also, it is intriguing that you mention sending a message back in time to oneself as I have been trying to do exactly that recently. I have been trying to communicate to myself nearly 3 years ago to warn myself that my loved one is going to be killed by C19 and I will be hacked & ill at the same time making me unable to think clearly enough to properly help. Is it possible that we were targeted and my loved one cruelly eliminated by Chi-CCP through some device or product? Is there any way it is possible to send a message that far into the past in this time-warp vacuum? I really need a different timeline...I've been praying for G-d to help get the message to me, hoping one morning I will wake up and be in a different timeline where the tragedy did not happen and I am not living in a multilayered nightmare...

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Mar 16·edited Mar 16Author

Swan, just build your own scalar transmitter and send the information back in time. Not that complicated. Regarding locating where a scalar transmitter is, well that there requires trianglation devices to take out pre-existing scalar transmitters or a return to signal system.

I'm sorry to hear what you're going through as the system is able to simply be reverse engineered if you have the appropriate knowledge and capacity with some resources, doesn't take much on the genetics side at all. Further, once you understand how this system works, then you can simply be on the loop and not in the loop. Then you can examine via cybernetics people who understand how the system works and then recursively from there data mine them and their nodal network with cybernetics. It is not that complicated of a system once you understand the new physics, synthetic biology and neurotechnology platform behind. Me personally, when I find the group that attacked me with a neuroweapon in 2022, they will meet their maker in a slow painful sulfuric acid bath.

Here is an interesting note for anyone who also knows with high probability that this is a ChinaCCP NeuroStrike. Go find you one of their soldiers in America or by America and take them out to eat and have them shed a ton of synthetic biology by you. Then scan-in their synthetic biology ID into a scalar transmit system and then eliminate them by transmitting deadly scalar waves. They may also have some of their comrades IDs in them as well or you can simply go back to their pad and scan in all the codes for future transmittal and remote kill at a distance. We're in neurowarfare and synwarfare across 3d space, time and the vacuum and I have zero remorse given what ChinaCCP did to my me and my family. Then next step is to hit ChinaCCP with new physics weapons to gain access to their assets outside of ChinaCCP. Just to be sure, if they don't have synbio, dose them with a "seed" that is pre-scanned to a transmitter of your own making and give them a taste of their own medicine.

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Mar 16·edited Mar 16Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.


I have no clue what a scaler transmitter is much less how to build one. Where would I even start trying to understand it? I guess I don't have the "appropriate knowledge and capacity" or I would at least have some idea what we're talking about. I don't even understand the "old physics" much less the new...I would be willing to do almost anything if I thought this was really possible. Please tell me if this is actually feasible before I put a lot of time and effort into it. Is there anyone who could help me accomplish this, it's obviously way above my level of understanding.

I prayed again last night before I went to sleep for G-d to help me, as He is outside of 3D space/time and could be the only chance I have to get a message to my prior self, since I can't even begin to understand all this other crazy stuff that's going on. Alas, when I came downstairs this morning, nothing had changed. My nightmare continues...

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Swan, yes this stuff is perceived to be real. Join the USPA to understand it there is a second edition book that you can purchase and read as time permits. Remember, adversarial uses of neurotechnology are due to ChinaCCP

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