Interested in following the lawsuit as similar treatment ensued from medical professionals when I sought help. There was a CDC doc who did commit me under threat of arrest. I presented obvious systemic inflammation and strange symptoms lesions and crystals coming out of my skin. I mentioned that frequencies seemed to influence the severity of symptoms.

I did not have my Significant Other present when the doc ordered me committed. He only showed up right before they put officers outside my hospital room door. Luckily I refused to sign any paperwork there letting Medicaid pay for anything. They tried to trick me into signing paperwork for indefinite treatment several times. After 72 hours they released me and the doc said he had no reason to put me in there in the first place? I was so sick then I couldn’t think of how to go about a suit for mistreatment.

A few weeks later. I had a an MRI done with contrast on my face. I woke up hurt and alone in a strangers parked car early in the morning with no memory of how I got there. I now believe somehow the thick biofilm covering my face somehow short circuited or exploded from the inside. The last thing I remembered was playing my guitar under a street lamp singing out to God for help while leaning the right side of my face against the guitars body. I had it tuned to a resonance that would cause my skin to warm and me to smell a slight sulfur smell. I felt like it was helping to destroy and deactivate the infection which I now understand is this biofilm technology.

I was seriously fighting with my BF that night and and had run off in bad traffic with no phone. I was lost in a random neighborhood in the middle of the night. I believe the argument and many misperceptions had been perpetuated by this technology messing with our emotions and thoughts. When I woke up in the strange car the right side of my face around my eye was swollen badly and the skin was broken at the corner of my lip. It looked like I had been assaulted but the injury did not heal or bruise like a blunt force injury. I couldn’t find my guitar. I thought I had been attacked and robbed. I walked to a dentists office and asked to use the phone. They called the police who insisted I go to the University hospital.

That’s where they did an MRI with contrast. I wondered about retrieving the results and what they might reveal if anything. They treated it like an assault and did a rape kit since I remembered nothing. The police found my guitar in some bushes so I know I wasn’t robbed. I have only tried to speculate on what I believe happened in retrospect. I had several incidences when I first became infected with this technology where I lost time then came to with a massive headache, was reported to have spoken in a different language (I only know one) and was influenced by false memories or perceptions or paranoia. Many times the people around me were being affected by this stuff too. I only escaped because of God’s help.

I should be dead or a zombie… now I want to get to the bottom of it and help others because so many are suffering and don’t even know it is because of this.

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Hello Brandon!

I’m a founding member. Tell me about the holograms!

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That information is going to be provided through the bioenergetic clinic and an API eventually published. I'm not comfortable talking openly yet about it until I have years of working expertise in the space. Intent is to not provide any technical information that has errors in it.

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