Arrrgh! You’ve now “added” steps, many of which are beyond the understanding (and reach?) of the average American next door. I’d like to start with the basic detox steps (baths, alkaline/salted water, gargling….low hanging fruit…) and then move upwards. What I need are clearer “SOPs” rather than “this is what I suggest” but lack details. Recipes (dosing). Timing (schedule). Diet (more specificity). Maybe you need to write a “technocratic detox for dummies” book?

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Oh, and I forgot to mention….please put definitions of acronyms in parentheses, not all readers are in the know. Is TX Terahertz?

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Author

Will do. The book sounds perfect, will move forward with that. Will price it so it is economically accessible to everyone paperback and have two versions, entry level book that will be searchable and findable by AI (published under a different name to fool the AI filters) with a small stenographic image linking the Vol.2 for those interested and curious further to hack the AI filters.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Author

Transmitter is (TX) in signals and Receiver is (RX) in signals. So when you see TX/RX it is transmit and receive.

Low hanging fruit are salt baths, alkaline waters and clean foods (no yeast, no added sugar all Kosher). Then enter bioenergetics (far field physics people were taught in school). After that then get into near field, but tread carefully probably better to work with someone who is already in that space (e.g. the person was reviewed by our IC, cause not everyone is allowed to live with the near field knowledge on earth, why, I don't know, all that I know is that the more one learns in that space life gets harder fast, could be CCP AI or other AI systems preventing access to this knowledge set). The below will provide some insight into why this knowledge is restricted w/r/t access and actionable applied use cases (e.g. run the numbers of the daily cost if you were to buy those chemicals and that will give you your answer as to why the knowledge is not in public domain searchable and only people find out about it through word of mouth or what I went through, failed CCP neuroweapon hit job)

If you subscribe to the DNA TX service, here is what I am transmitting into my body every day to heal:

NAD+, Methylene Blue, Caffeine, Water, Oxygen, Ozone, Helium, NADH, Resveratrol, Ginseng, Inositol, Fish Oil, Omega 3 fatty acids, rutin, ubiquinol,Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K7, Zinc, Biotin, Nicotanimide, Choline, NAC, Oregano, Terpin Hydrate, Black Pepper, Peppermint, Xylitol, Xanthum Gum (e.g. Xander Cage/Riddick/Vin Diesel (that dude is enhanced with nanotech), watch that movie, they got synthetic blood in it for space travels, not joking), Capsaicin, Colloidal Silver Nanoparticles, Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles and Graphene Oxide (GO) Removal. The NAC imprint converts the rGO to GO and then the GO removal hits it in far-field to vibrate it loose into bloodstream for removal via chelators.

www.electrostasis.com > clinic (priced at pay what you can) the product is delivered to you at 140,000 km/s directly into your DNA.

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Brandon, can you please explain how the DNA sent to you for your DNA TX subscription will be physically protected from noxious influence in your lab? Will you be digitizing a person's DNA sample or using the physical sample, and then be quantum-entangling it to these abovementioned healthy transmissions? Since our DNA is indefinitely entangled with us, the DNA needs to be kept in a pristine environment that is free of geopathic stress, EMFs, noxious energies of any kind to avoid getting any ill affects via entanglement. Clive Barker did a lot of research on this.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Author

People's DNA is shed through skin (e.g. why people take a bath) and various other mechanisms, so people are already entangled within their local environment. The handling and security will not be put into public domain by design to keep the public eye and other AI BCPS eyes blind, for security purposes. The way to defend against AI BCPS infiltration is to reduce information, not increase as information is the source of security concerns. I have read and understand the field of energetics to a good extent and appreciate your concerns as they are legitimate. However, most people don't understand geopathic stress (e.g. are you on a "-" basis or a "+" basin or some weird fault-line intersection where majority of ancient temples and churches constructed, Electromagnetic Frequencies EMF, noxious energies of any kind (e.g. dedicated space that is designed to repel noxious energies through field of energetics). I don't assume to know everything, so look forward to reading up on Clive Barker's work.

The terminology chosen by people is wrong, it our creator's communication system, so better be careful, as you highlight, when tapping into it for good. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-03088-7

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Sorry, it's Cleve Backster, not Clive Barker, one of my favorite authors! Here's a link to his most well known books.


You might also find this interesting too! https://www.unexplainable.net/info-theories/homing-conductance-in-living-systems.php

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