
I have so enjoyed seeing the evolution of your amazing countermeasures over the past few years. I have been a fan of yours from the beginning and have read every single post you ever wrote. I find myself referring back to different posts on an almost daily basis. Big hat tip to you, good sir!

On another note regarding this latest CM, can you please clarify the following:

"This then mixes internal to the body when the paramagnetic mold/fungus nanotech junk cycles back into the body due to the magnetic vortex skyrmion unit application. Then the mixture degrades the infrastructure for the mold, fungus and bioweaponry."

Do you mean that you first use Thieve's Blend topically in specific areas to first dissolve the nano, then use your vortex skyrmion device to shake it up or activate it? Or vice versa? Sorry to sound dumb, but this info you're sharing is next level high tech!

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I've only been on here for about a year.

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And you are by far the most prolific solutions-oriented SubStacker out there! Very grateful to you.

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First apply the thieves oil to dissolve the adversarial paramagnetic nanotech and fungus/mold then apply the magnetic vortex skyrmion unit to disrupt already active wetware systems. This of course also messes with the graphenes GO and/to rGO while removing as well as morgellons.

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Brandon, at one point in a recent post you mentioned that you believe nanotechnology hates eucalyptus the most.

What if, while you’re out and about, have a portable nebulizer to partake of to mitigate “coincidently-dosed” nano materials? Do you think that would be at all effective?

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Hello! Do you have a photo of your vortexer or can you tell us the name of what you have? Or at least give a link to your website where it is?

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will look into it, the main thing is it has to be diamagnetic to not interact with any of the paramagnetic and then if interacting with paramagnetic needs to in a degradatory manner. No near field transmitters should be utilized by anyone with CCP bioweapons in them as the mold and fungus and bacterial in biofilms will also grow rapidly due to the life giving energy from the near field. In order to use near field transmitters without any type of built-in signals to degrade a specific frequency of adversarial nanotechnology, mold, fungus bioweapons it needs to be specifically designed else the person will simply grow the bad stuff as the bad stuff grows faster than the good stuff due to basic cell division math.

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Thank you for this considerate and well thought out response. I now completely understand why you have been hesitant to tout specific near field scalar transmitters!

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