Sep 24·edited Sep 24Author

I just updated this post with the critical resonance frequencies that I'm using with PEMF, that directly interacts with the magnetic field (e.g. paramagnetic and feromagnetic adversarial wetware and bioweapons inclusive of genomic rope worm). PEMF jams the CCP bioweapon ELF linkages and associated spy and control comms when transmitted at critical resonance frequencies TX'ing! :) Sleep well with this knowledge. Anyone who wants PEMF units please go here www.electrostasis.com and subscribe to annual or semi-annual so the pool of funds can be used to build prototypes and provide actionable information to counterstrike non-invasive bioweapons in times of unrestricted warfare. Fight the good fight.

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I have the same spot on the top of my head that I have managed to break it down with CLO2 diffusion/ salts and essential oil. Turpentine kills rope worm, so I take it daily. I don’t have money for PEMF atm so I haven’t had experience with that. It’s just too expensive and I’m not sure what all I have been exposed to during several unjustified incarcerations, medical kidnappings and blackouts that occurred when I was involved in the height of the attack on me. Some say PEMF will not be beneficial to those who have received gene therapies? I am pretty confident that I have been given many experimental medicines without my consent and while I was unconscious or during non-substance related blackouts.

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The non invasive part just means we don’t realize the process is taking place and so they need don’t need consent as they would to put a microchip Im the body. I put it on regular organic cane sugar

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100% correct.

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Well, sign-up here www.electrotasis.com and everyone who joins this community reduces the costs of entry to access the equipment required.

My plan is to have personal for sale systems and then a common shared equipment pool with deposit required for the more capital intensive equipment.

Feedback welcome, If I had known about this technology years ago with a solution to remove it I'd not have been hit as hard. Therefore, this work is to counterstrike CCP (doing evil) and help people impacted by evil.

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Do you take the turps on sugar cubes? Have to say this is all very disturbing and disgusting. It is truly EVIL. Also don't know how it can possibly be "non-invasive" when it's in our brains...sounds totally invasive to me.

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I'm utilizing eucalyptus oil and olive oil as a blender oil. The tech is actually non-invasive with respect to entry points. Removal, can also be non-invasive via combination of bioenergetics and appropriate removal with chelators, LLE, etc. Yeh, I agree it is totally horrid, but it is what it is and I'm removing it consistently now. The PEMF is key with critical vibrational frequencies to remove the paramagnetic junk as well as essential oils (e.g. liquid-liquid-extraction LLE) technique and nanoparticles of silver and gold to destroy the biofilm via molecular Terahertz Jackhammering.

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I hate to say that I'm not sure I speak the same language as you, being non-tech savvy it is way above my head even reading most of the words. So non-invasive as in no surgery required...you eat it, breath it, etc., like Giordano's Smart Dust (and that other tech dude's nanobots...can't remember his name ATM, but he's really into nanobots) that non-invasively invades your brain through capillaries and takes over? I'm stocked with essential oils, however. What is the benefit of olive oil and how do you make sure it's genuine? Are you using that topically on the invading (but non-invasive) beasts?

Found what you said about the Dragon/Fallen Angels, Giants, evil spirits, very prescient. I got hacked by an evil entity when my mom and I had the alleged C19 bioweapon. I know COVID backward is DIVOC which apparently means possessed by an evil spirit (Dybbuk in Hebrew). Not sure if it was mind control through nanotech or something more "invasive" directly as in an actual spiritual entity. I will never be the same...had no idea that was even possible, I obviously did not understand "Spiritual Warfare" literally enough. Spiritual and high tech combined? Maybe alien (fallen angel) tech of some sort? I'm just about ready to depart this insane realm...

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Or maybe the lovely Sentient World Simulation where they can apparently affect the real world through the simulation? Obviously I have no idea what happened or how.

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Just remembered there's also some sort of connection between graphene and demons according to Dr. Ana and Harvard and someone else...can't remember that either...Harald Kautz maybe? I give up...

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Your Divine Presence will always prevail, especially if you continue to place your focus on it, daily and in segments.

Play uplifting music in 432, 528hz. Play recordings of healings gong or bell sessions. Darkness hates it when you raise your frequency! Bathe yourself constantly in high vibe music, tones, etc.

Here are a few examples:



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