Can CCP AI surrogates emit a MAC address or is that from vaccine ?

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Both. Vaccines with CCP nanotech in them as well as other supply chains contaminated build a protein amyloid complex with graphenes, mesogen: nemetic crystals and self-replicating nanotechnology. When around CCP neurotechnology chipsets the person gets linked to CCP. The worst current covert big corp Neurostrike (Robert McCreight's term at National Defense University NDU) actors are Motorolla smart phones, Hisense TVs and Lenovo hardware penetrating democratic nation states. The known worst poster child is Huawei. CCP strategy is to have a sacrificial lamb big corporate (that gets flagged, while sneaking in a bunch of other neurotech chipsets through various other attack routes into the nation being attacked by technocommunism).

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Are any of these effective ?

❤️Shilajit vs #graphene . Great for detoxing: Other sources for detoxing graphene include wheatgrass, chlorella, and chlorophyll.

🌞never pasteurized: https://cultivateelevate.com/shilajit-tablets-cold-pressed-extract-tablets/

⚡️Humid Acid Antidote for Graphene Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24857237/

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Shilajit from India (the brands that do not utilize Tik Tok) work best. Chlorophyll, wheatgrass and chlorella do too (if purged first of paramagnetic and heavy metals from atmospheric pollutant contamination from CCP coal power plant emissions spewing the world's largest quantity of heavy metal poision into the atmosphere, e.g. turning earth into hell on earth).

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Thanks for the response! From my observations there seems to be bluetooth emitting from LED lighting which also interfaces and obviously most LED's are made in China. As well as bluetooth equipped cameras and tv's.

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The whole "smart xyz" has bluetooth and IPv6 integration baked into it.

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