Good stuff….but would I need to spend 15k on a NF Transmitter (?)

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I only use a NF transmitter when my body is near clean and perfect with respect to pathogens and then utilize it to amplify the antidote to the specific pathogen (e.g. it just so happens that chlorine dioxide kills a ton of horrid stuff used in CCP bioweapons).

I first would have tried chlorine dioxide by itself, but since my body has been purged and cleaned up as best as I can then I went back into NF. Actually utilized two, there one NF on my body and then a second larger NF TX that amplifies the Chlorine Dioxide with quartz crystals. These are now TX - RX connected near field systems like Meyl has in his library, which I own. Next step is to do a closed loop NF Tx-Rx with the specific antidote to imprint it on the body without "noise". Current system has noise (e.g. anything between my body and where the NF tX is at).

Regarding cost, go here www.electrostasis.com and join the community and it'll have a NF system as part of the bioenergetic clinic, closed loop TX - RX.

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