I don't think I can fully comprehend this technology. Which is frustrating..... I want to know how to fight it !!!

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Force fields. I'll do an article on this at macro-scale with some examples.

Here is the cellular level Red Blood Cell RBC force field repelling synthetic biology (the RBC has four irons (Fe)s in it within a porphyrin group), which enables it to interact with e-fields and b-fields as well as scalar wave, potential fields, etc.


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Hello Brandon,

I am following with utmost interest - you were saying the mesogens build the structures for the signal, like the MAC address phenomenon. As far as I understand it, the plasmonic nanorectennas vibrate on THZ - they stem from dsDNA tensegrid crystals .... I thought the signal has to do with TS-OOK signalling- if the bluetooth mac address signal is in the 2.4 GHZ range- how do any of the metamaterials create such a pulsed signal so that we can access ? Has it to do with the spintronics computation on graphene electrons - or is it simply a calculated attenuation phenomenon ? Could you explain how it comes to a GHZ signal from THZ metamaterials ?

This would help me a lot - thank you so much for your work, I have just subscribed ;)

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2) Because CCP let's anyone lease time on their equipment to attack anyone in the world, their open access to equipment used for non-kinetic-threat warfare is a threat to anyone on earth that is peaceful by nature and avoids doing evil. Therefore CCP is a threat to all humankind as CCP is utilizing some people's love of money to do harm to other people and self-sabatoge the world, while CCP sits back and conducts their Sun Tzu Art of War death by a 1,000 cuts attack on the world. I personally, was attacked by CCP Coalition weaponry in 2022, after turning down $$$$ from CCP and Russia in 2021 (e.g. I couldn't be bought, couldn't be blackmailed), so they tried to kill me with an NKT weapon platform, which is why I entered this tech-domain, given prior knowledge in nanotech, material science, electronics, photoelectrochemical engineering, chemical engineering, prototyping, lasers, computer science, cybersecurity, quantum mechanics/phyiscs, genomics with DNA amplification, microwave energy systems (for sustainable use cases), it gave me a unique perspective to reverse engineer Xi's "Magic Weapon" that enables time-reversal based cognitive attacks on people by passing information through time domain using at least "scalar waves" and at worst "quantum locking with CODEX and thought of mind".

Does that answer your questions? Apologize for you having to re-ask.

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1) Sure, the actual formation of it can be demonstrated in a lab setting with wifi and a sample of mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating nanotechnology. Will take this as an action item to replicate the logged signals in a controlled laboratory setting.

Regarding how the antenna (transducer) is formed, it is sample (system) specific. This is an awesome question, keep in mind that the correct way to view formation of any observable phenomena in 3 space is to understand that EMF sources come from time-domain and then enters 3 space, and is emitted in all directions. There was work completed in the 1930s by Kron, where a hybrid open/closed circuit system resulted in the formation of a polyhedron that self-organized on the open circuit component (after reverse engineering this synbio I'm guessing that open circuit utilized a field and a nemetic crystal system based on synbio that self-organized from (potential field effects, EMF effects, scalar effects and possibly quantum). When you state plasmonics and spintronics, Feynman diagrams are best ways to view plasmonics https://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/~chpotter/particleandnuclearphysics/Lecture_05_FeynmanDiagrams.pdf

Regarding best way to understand the world is to realize that there are systems in equilibrium and systems in non-equilibrium. The Poynting Vector in static and non-static fields provides some unique insight into this as well as the "reactive power" "imaginary mathmatical part historicaly ignored, but extremely important more than meets the average observer of public education taught physics"

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