Brandon, I don’t know anything about the CCP, AI or BCPS. What kind of lawfare? Brandon please keep me informed, remember I’m 72 years old and don’t read the material you’re writing on. I really want to leave this neighborhood.

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Brandon, great info, I had no idea! Here’s what I can see in Pueblo West, Co. I have been harassed for around 10 years, it’s government gangstalking. Check out Targetedjustice.com. After your put on their list you never get off. Ana Toledo has a law suit started as she is also targeted. This town is infested with criminals on foot and hundreds of cars everywhere, in every direction. And get this, the majority of the cars, trucks, SUV’s are red, white, blue and black. The religions are involved as well, my neighbors are Jehovahs and I spoke with Gwenda about what was occurring and she simply ignored what I said and changed the subject. After I got injected by the masseuse, several days later they backed out of their drive way with bright lights on and drove into my drive way and Scott, Gwenda’s husband rolled down his window and said how are you doing Wilma? I asked him to leave my yard. He said ooohh Wilma, we’ve been such good neighbors. I said leave and don’t bother me. He drove off, in his red car. He also has a white truck. The entire area is infested with these horrible people who are getting paid by the federal government. I believe they knew about the injection and were interested in finding out my status, which was shaky.

I’m doing better now that I’m on my own protocol. Yesterday I exposed the sores on my body to the hot Colorado sun 🌞😄.

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The Targeted Justice group has been recently tricked by ChinaCCP AI BCPS and Xi Magic Weapon to conduct lawfare on America. Each nation state, international Corp, organized international criminal syndicate, terrorist groups, weirdo religious groups, weirdo virtual nation states, cyberhacking groups that did a product line expansion into neurohacking and others have access to this tech. I am sorry to hear of your electronic harassment, but please educate yourself before making blanket statements.

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Bravo! Thank you for all you do to fight and expose this madness!

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No worries, there are some weirdos, sickos and evil people in this world, some of which have been fully cognitively captured and taken over by either biofilms as well as adversarial AI BCPS. The largest adversarial AI BCPS group in the world, billions strong now are the Tik Tokers, bunch of fools that are all traitors to their nation states that got tricked by ChinaCCP.

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Hi Brandon

I don’t know if you saw my previous message, but I’ll ask here: Do believe that magnets can be used on the body to draw out the nanotubes to be purged from the body?

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Magnets work, there is a method that Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL has built to remove and reset materials inside of "enhanced" super soldiers and scientists, but it first flows the blood outside of the body, through an intense magnetic vortex field outside of the body then flows the blood back into the body.

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